Using PuTTY: "The SSH protocol has the ability to forward arbitrary network connections over your encrypted SSH connection, to avoid the network traffic being sent in clear. For example, you could use this to connect from your home computer to a POP-3 server on a remote machine without your POP-3 password being visible to network sniffers.
In order to use port forwarding to connect from your local machine to a port on a remote server, you need to:"
'via Blog this'
Some people think setting up blogs and creating web pages and websites, is really hard. My answer is always, Oh, its Easy!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Headcoverings by Devorah - Head Coverings, Hair Accessories, Modest Clothing for Tzniut, Modesty, Prayer, Hair Loss and Cancer Chemotherapy Patients
Headcoverings by Devorah - Head Coverings, Hair Accessories, Modest Clothing for Tzniut, Modesty, Prayer, Hair Loss and Cancer Chemotherapy Patients: Tzniut (modesty) means knowing and communicating to others that your identity equals your innermost self. Physical appearance should be designed to call attention to one’s worth and nobility, to a good soul.
May this site be an inspiration for a return to the values that have been emphasized for centuries in Jewish life. These values are summed up in the word tzniut – modesty. And these values are not only for Jews, Jewish women. In the times of Chazal (our Sages) even non-Jewish married women wore headcoverings. (Sanhedrin 58b)
May this site be an inspiration for a return to the values that have been emphasized for centuries in Jewish life. These values are summed up in the word tzniut – modesty. And these values are not only for Jews, Jewish women. In the times of Chazal (our Sages) even non-Jewish married women wore headcoverings. (Sanhedrin 58b)
How to Aliyah
How to Aliyah: move to the other side of the reader to make room for the next person called to the Torah. Having blessed the Torah, you are now honored with being invited to stay at the reading table for the next aliyah. At this time, or perhaps after the next aliyah, or even after all the aliyot, one of the gabbaim (the people at the reading table who assist the reader) will read a prayer called a Mi Shebeirach ("The One Who Blessed..."). If this is done while you are standing at the reading table, you will be asked for your Hebrew name, which may be given in the form: [Your name] ben/bat [your mother's name] and [your father's name]. You may use the name of only one parent if you so choose. When the next aliyah is completed, you may return to your seat. It is customary to take a longer route back to your seat than that which you took to ascend to the bima, signifying your reluctance at leaving the Torah.
Judaism 101: Signs and Symbols
Judaism 101: Signs and Symbols: This symbol, commonly seen on necklaces and other jewelry and ornaments, is simply the Hebrew word Chai (living), with the two Hebrew letters Cheit and Yod attached to each other. Some say it refers to the Living G-d; others say it simply reflects Judaism's focus on the importance of life. Whatever the reason, the concept of chai is important in Jewish culture. The typical Jewish toast is l'chayim (to life). Gifts to charity are routinely given in multiples of 18 (the numeric value of the word Chai).
Learn the Hebrew Letter Chet in the Hebrew Alphabet!
Learn the Hebrew Letter Chet in the Hebrew Alphabet!: Chet, where the h sound is half way between ‘h’ (as in house or Hannah) and ‘ch’ (as in the Scottish loch or the German Bach). This sound does not exist in English; it is produced by saying h from the back of the throat and closing the throat, slightly choking the sound. The best way for an English speaker to pronounce the sound is to imagine that you are breathing on your hands to warm them up on a cold winter day, but producing the sound further back in the throat.
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